#11 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “Flowers on a green table”, July 2019

Today I drew my eleventh acrylic painting (my sixth flower painting), and named it “Flowers on a green table”. I am still under the influence of Pierre-Auguste Renoir… His works are so inspirational! Gosh, such a genius! The cool thing is that I can take some pictures and I feel inspiration, it´s not mean I try to copy them (actually I wish I could be so good, but first I am a beginner, second I would like to have my own style (whitch I think I have) and also I don´t like tracking.. I like to gather inspiration and create my own little masterpieces). I watched a Emmy-nominated American drama series “Genius” Picasso yesterday and thought long about art. Also I thought about a French post-impressionist painter Henri Julien Félix Rousseau (known as Le Douanier) who painted in the Naïve or Primitive manner. He is so famous now but was ridiculed all his life and many commented that he painted like a child. So what? As much as there are people there are different opinions. People often love things because other people or influencers love them – many people are followers. I’m not exactly a worshiper of his art by myself (in fact, it would be fairer to say, that there are simply many artists that I just like little more) but there is no doubt that he was super talented and no doubt that his work were very innovative and interesting. I adore his self portraits and I love the style he used when he paint people. For example his work “Muse Inspiring the Poet” (Portrait of Guillaume Apollinaire and Marie Laurencin), painted 1909 is so super, I think. I tell all this because to illustrate my point. I think everyone should look art and ask themselves: Do I like it? Why I like it? Why I don´t like it? What is the story of this picture? And not to think so much: Is it made by notable painter or not? I think that a large number of notable painters have just been lucky and very many talents have underrated. But this is life. When I buy art, I always ask myself: Do I really like it? And if I look art which I can not afford of course mostly I enjoy it, many famous artist are extraordinary, but there are times I look some paintings and think myself, that despite the hefty price tag I would never ever wish to put it on my wall.
Täna ma maalisin oma üheteistkümnenda akrüülmaali (kuues lillemaal), mis sai nimeks “Lilled rohelisel laual”. Olen siiani Pierre-Auguste Renoir mõju all… Tema tööd on lihtsalt nii inspireerivad! Uhh, ta on tõeline geenius! Mulle meeldib, et saan võtta pilte ja ammutada nendest inspiratsiooni. Inspiratsioon ja kopimine on muidugi erinevad asjad, ma ei proovi neid kopida (võibolla prooviks kui oskaks vaid, aga esiteks olen ma algaja ja teiseks mulle meeldib, kui mul on oma stiil (mis ma loodan, et mul ka on) ja loomulikult ei meeldi mulle jäljendamine.. Mulle meeldib koguda inspiratsiooni ja luua oma enda väikseid meistriteoseid). Vaatasin eile Emmyle nomineeritud Ameerika draamaseriaali “Genius Picasso ning mõtlesin pikalt kunstist. Mõtlesin ka Henri Julien Félix Rousseau (tuntud ka kui Le Douanier), kes armastas joonistada naiivses ja primitiivses stiilis. Teda mõnitati ja alavääristati terve tema elu aga vaadake kui kuulus ja tuntud on ta täna. Inimesed kommenteerisid, et ta joonistab nagu lasteaialaps. No ja siis? Nii palju kui on inimesi on ka erinevaid arvamusi. Ning on ju teada, et paljud inimesed armastavad tegelikult seda, mida armastavad teised, seda, mida armastavad influencerid (suunamudijad) – paljud inimesed on hingelt järgijad. Kuigi ma pole kõige suurem Rousseau kunsti hindaja ka ise (õigem oleks tegelikult öelda, et on palju kunstnikke, kes mulle lihtsalt meeldivad rohkem), pole mingit kahtlust, et ta oli üliandekas ja tema tööd innovatiivsed ja huvitavad. Mulle meelvad tema portreed iseendast ning see, kuidas ta inimesi maalib. Näiteks tema töö “Muse Inspiring the Poet” (Portree Guillaume Apollinaire ja Marie Laurencin´ist), maalitud 1909 , on täiega võrratu! Räägin sellest, et illustreerida oma mõttelendu. Usun, et iga inimene peaks kunsti vaadates küsima iseendalt: Kas see mulle meeldib? Miks see mulle meeldib? Miks see mulle ei meeldi? Mis on lugu selle pildi taga? Ning vähem mõtlema: Kas see on tuntud kunstniku töö või mitte? Usun, et paljud kuulsad kunstikud on kuulsad paljuski tänu suurele õnnele ja väga paljud talendid on alahinnatud. Aga nii see elu kord on. Kui ma kunsti ostan küsin endalt alati: Kas mulle see tegelikult ka meeldib? Ja kui ma vaatan kunsti, mida ma endale võimaldada ei jõua siis jah, enamasti ma imetlen neid, sest paljud tuntud kunstnikud on väga andekad, aga on ka kordi, kus vaatan mõnda kõrgelt hinnatud asja ja mõtlen, et vaatamata hiigelhinnale ei paneks ma seda iial omale koju seinale.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Flowers in a Vase (1866)
(My today´s inspiration photo/ Minu tänane inspiratsioonipilt)
And here below you can view pictures of the completion of my painting
Allpool pildid minu maali valmimisest
“Flowers on a green table”
acrylic painting (30x40cm)
signed H-R. Ennet
{painted by Helena-Reet Ennet, 2019 July}