#17 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.2), September 2020

It is decided! I’m making full series of paintings about His Highness Mouse the First! The idea (read about it HERE) has been set in motion, the two paintings are ready and today I start working on the third. Yesterday I also went to the printing house, where they scanned the first painting, and today I will get the first samples printed on fabric. So exciting! I’m already waiting to see them. The plan is to make a minimum of 12 mouse paintings that I can use as illustrations for the children’s book. The fairy tale is already quietly forming in my head. But now some words about the second painting. For the first time in my life, I made a sketch/rough draft first (usually I have a design in my head and draw directly on the canvas). This painting has also more details – a window, curtains, a table, a bottle and glass on the table, a cupboard, vases and books on the shelves of the cupboard, a clock on the top of the cupboard and a ceiling lamp above it. The first painting from this series had few larger details – for example, a painting on a wall (on which I depicted a cup of coffee and a seven-pronged candlestick) and a large wooden door. His Highness Mouse the First wears a gorgeous cloak on both paintings and on the second painting he also has a green vest under the coat and the boots are adorning his feet).
See on nüüd otsustatud! Ma teen Tema Kõrgeausus Hiir Esimesest terve seeria maale! Ideele (loe sellest SIIT) on algus on tehtud, kaks maali on valmis ning täna asun kolmanda kallale. Eile käisin ka trükikojas, kus skänneeriti prooviks esimene hiire maal sisse ning täna saan kätte esimesed näidised kangale trükituna. Nii põnev! Ootan juba, et neid näha. Plaan on teha minimaalselt 12 hiire maali, mida saan kasutada lasteraamatu illustratsioonidena. Muinasjutt juba peas vaikselt kujuneb. Aga nüüd seeria teisest pildist. Esmakordselt elus tegin kõigepealt kavandi (tavaliselt on mul kavand peas ja joonistan otse lõuendile). Ka detaile on rohkem – aken, kardinad, laud, laual pudel ja klaas, kapp, kapi riiulitel vaasid ja raamatud, kapi peal kell ja selle kohal laelamp. Seeria esimesel maalil olid suuremateks detailideks seinamaal (millel kujutasin kohvitassi ja seitsmeharulist küünlajalga) ning suur puidust uks. Tema kõrgeausus Hiir Esimene kannab nii esimesel kui teisel maalil seljas uhket keepi (teisel maalil on selle all ka roheline vest ning jalas on saapad).
“His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.2)
acrylic painting (30x40cm)
signed H-R. ENNET
{painted by Helena-Reet Ennet, 2020 September}
Here are some examples of partial work and some details:
Siin on näha näiteid poolikust tööst ja toon välja mõned detailid valmis maalist: