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This is the estimated time of delivery given to us by Estonian post office and local post services, they might be extended for reasons not connected to E&S’s operations. However we will try to make it as fast as possible.
We are represented primarily in Estonia, Sweden, Finland and Denmark but you are welcome to order world wide.
• Estonia 1-3 Business Days.
• Scandiavia/ Nordic countries/ Baltic countries/European Union: 3-12 Business Days.
• World wide delivery: 9-30 Business Days.
If your country is out of our delivery range, do not hesitate to contact us directly by phone or mail ( and we´ll try to fix you your order.
We truly believe leaving customers satisfied is always first.
If you aren’t 100% Satisfied with your order for any reason we will do WHATEVER it takes to make sure you are 100% happy with your purchase to ensure you are left satisfied.