Estella Elisheva OOTD: 24.04.2019

Estella Elisheva OOTD: 24.04.2019

Today we had a photoshoot for the concerts in Japan that take place in August-September. Estella Elisheva and another music student (Sandra Serena Sulin), Estonian zither player from Saku music school have been invited to perform in Japan! How cool is that?? Such a success!! I am so happy! It is thanks to Saku music school that so many doors have opened for Estella and it makes me so glad that the teachers from the music school have augmented her love for music! Read a longer blog about it here:

Täna tegime pilte augustis-septembris Jaapanis toimuvate kontserdite jaoks. Estella Elisheva ja üks kandle õpilane Saku muusikakoolist (Sandra Serena Sulin) on kutsutud Jaapanisse esinema! How cool is that?? Such a success!! Olen nii õnnelik!! Tänu Saku Muusikakoolile on Estellal väga palju uksi avanenenud ja mulle teeb rõõmu, et muusikakooli õpetajad on tema suurt muusika armastust veelgi kasvatanud! Loe pikemat blogi siit:

Estella Elisheva´s vintage navy greendress: Didi ® Adds Flavour
Shoes: from Thailand
Photos: Helena-Reet Ennet

Estella Elisheva

Sandra (left) and Estella Elisheva

Sandra (left) and Estella Elisheva

Sandra (left) and Estella Elisheva

Sandra (left) and Estella Elisheva

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Hi dears, it is me your Estella Elisheva. I have super great news to you! I will perform in Japan this year!!! I will give two violin concerts in Japan at the end of August and in September. I am very excited and honoured to visit Japan, getting to know closer Japan's life and culture, creating new contacts between Estonia and Japan! #violin #musicambassador #violinconcert #violinist #violinists #バイオリン #バイオリニスト #音楽 #コンサート #日本 #民間伝承 #音楽業界 #Nippon #EastAsia #classicalmusic #fiolinist #fiolin #konsert #violoniste #violon #concert #folklore #folkmusic #folkmusician #folkloreandfairytales #culture #music #musicians #youngmusician #EstellaElisheva 🇯🇵🇪🇪

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My 12-year-old daughter ESTELLA ELISHEVA (@estella.elisheva) is going to perform in Japan this year! She will give two violin concerts there (in the end of August and in the beginning of September)!!!! I am one super super proud mom! Estella Elisheva's introduction to Japanese flyers, posters and media: At just twelve years old, Estella Elisheva is much sought-after violinist. Despite her young age, she finds inspiration from classical music and artists. She performs concerts all around Scandinavia and is considered to be one of the most talented musicians of her age. She began singing at the age 5 and first picked up a violin at the age 7. Estella Elisheva is studying at the Jewish School in Tallinn, Estonia and practicing three times a week at Saku Music School. In her spare time she most likely plays the violin, exercises outdoors, bakes healthy foods, develops her personal beauty line (nature friendly cosmetic brand named Elisheva & Shoshana) with her younger sister Ivanka Shoshana and runs teenagers media site OHMYGOSSIPteen with over 5 million followers worldwide. She is also passionate about different cultures and languages, she speaks and writes Estonian, Russian and English fluently and currently studing Hebrew. Estella Elisheva believes that the world can be made a better place with goodness and love, she wishes to share autism awareness, awareness about special needs and disabilities among children, change attitudes towards any disability. Estella Elisheva feels very excited and honoured to visit Japan, getting to know closer Japan's life and culture, creating new contacts between Estonia and Japan! Estella Elisheva is active on social media, she posts performance videos to Instagram (@estella.elisheva), Facebook and Twitter. You can also follow her life and travels on her webpage

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