#6 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “Sweden´s National Day”, June 2019

This acrylic painting “Sweden´s National Day” is inspired by National Day of Sweden – more precisely about amazing flower picture by Martine.a.la.campagne I found in Instagram and by the photo of Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar photographed by Linda Brostrom! The Royal Court released three lovely pictures (can be seen here) of the children of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel and these are really beautiful, bright and inspirational!!!
Seekordne maal “Rootsi rahvuspäev” on inspireeritud Rootsi iseseisvumispäevast – veel täpsemalt kahest pildist. Mulle väga meeldis Martine.a.la.campagne lillefoto, mille leidsin Instagramist ning Linda Brostromi tehtud pildid printsess Estelle´st ja prints Oscarist! Rootsi kuningakoda avaldas hiljuti kolm imearmast pilti (vaata siit) kroonprintsess Victoria ja Prints Danieli lastest, minu meelest on need kohe eriti ilusad, rõõmsad ja inspiereerivad!!! Numbriliselt on see minu kuues akrüülmaal ning teine lillemaal!
{30x40cm acrylic painting “Sweden´s National Day” painted by Helena-Reet Ennet, 2019 June}
signed H-R.Ennet