Vanamõisa spring bazaar 2019

The Vanamõisa Spring bazaar took place this weekend near Saue. At the very last minute I thought to quit, but fortunately the organizer convinced me to change my mind. For the Elisheva & Shoshana brand, it was the first bazaar market experience. Field events are relatively ambitious, because much depends on the weather. Outdoor events are tricky because much depends on the weather. The first thing what one can own is a decent sales tent – I add it to my to-do shopping list. I am not sure should I obtain 2x2m tent or 3x3m tent. What would you recommend? Currently I´m heading for a 2x2m pop up tent because it isn´t so big to open and close even for one person. The weather forecast allowed rain for the whole weekend, but fortunately, it was very little rain. For us this time meant covering our products, sitting in the car and waiting the rain to end. First day me and Estella Elisheva were very “green”, we stood quietly at the table but already for Sunday we had the right market feeling and introduced our products to a very large audience. People were very fond of our new product – Magnesium Hair Energy Maximus+ Scalp spray. It was a real hit! It is really a good product too. I strongly recommend it to everyone with scalp problems. It stops hair loss, cleanses the scalp and stimulates hair growth. The next bazaar where you can find us is Saku kevadlaat (18.May).
Sellel nädalavahetusel toimus Sauel Vanamõisa kevadlaat. Veel viimane hetk mõtlesin, et ei lähe, aga õnneks veenis korraldaja meid ümber. Elisheva & Shoshana brändi jaoks oli see esimene laadakogemus. Väliüritused on suhteliselt pretensioonikad, sest palju sõltub ilmast. Esimene asi, mida omada võiks on korralik müügitelk – panin selle oma to-do nimekirja ostulisti. Kaalun praegu kas osta 2x2m popup telk või 3x3m. Mida soovitaksite? Ise kaldun väiksema poole, sest seda peaks saama isegi üks inimene lihtsalt kokku ja lahti. Ilmateade lubas terveks nädalavahetuseks vihma, ent õnneks piirdus sadu vaid paari sutsakaga. Meie jaoks tähendas see aeg muidugi kauba kilega katmist ning autos vihmasaju ülemineku ootamist. Kui laupäeval olime Estella Elishevaga veel sellised “rohelised”, kes seisid vaikselt oma laua ääres, siis pühapäevaks oli meil õige laadatunne sees ning tutvustasime oma tooteid väga suurele auditooriumile. Inimestele väga meeldis meie uudistoode – Magneesiumiga Hair Energy Maximus+ peanaha sprei. See oli tõeline hitt! On tõesti hea toode ka. Kõigil kel peanahaga probleeme, siis soovitan seda tungivalt. Peatab juuste väljalangemise, teeb peanahale sügavpuhastust ning stimuleerib juuksekarva kasvu. Järgmine laat, kust meid leida võite, on 18.mail Sakus toimuv kevadlaat!
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by Helena-Reet Ennet (@helenareetennet) on
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