Creative workspaces – Many bloggers, many work spaces! Gallery!

Your workspace should be the place you can go to to get your creative juices flowing & be at your most productive. Too often, people are working in an uninspiring, lifeless environment that only stunts their creativity. Here are some great tips and ideas to optimize your workspace to achieve maximum creativity.
One of the simplest and easiest ways to make a creative workspace is by knowing yourself. For example, do you work better in a bustling or quiet environment? Do you prefer working in cooler rooms than hot rooms? Do you love colours or you prefer something soft. The most important thing to remember, when setting up a creative workspace, is that it should be designed around you and how you like to work. Before you start, create a list of your likes and dislikes to use as a basis to set up your workspace.
Uninspiring craft room can leave you feeling dull and uninspired. Bright and airy workspaces are the best kind of workspaces to get inspired in so try to make the most of the natural light in your home. Set up your desk next to the window to ensure you get optimum light where you need it most.
I love to organise, a day doesn’t seem complete unless I have organised something. I believe our life just runs so much smoother when we know where everything is and when everything is in its place. Use shelves and drawers to store your craft sruff and make your workspace look more organized and streamline! Let’s get organized, inspired and happy!
Here you’ll find some creative workspaces which other craft bloggers have!
The blogger: Claire Louise Milne, Needle Book
Picture via: http://needlebook.blogspot.com/
The blogger: Patricia, Memi The Rainbow
Picture via: http://www.memitherainbow.blogspot.com/
The blogger: Erin Hankins, How to Nest for Less
Picture via: http://howtonestforless.com/
The blogger: Melissa Mortenson, Polka Dot Chair
Picture via: http://www.tallgrassprairiestudio.blogspot.com/
The blogger: Jacquie Gering, Tallgrass Prairie Studio
Picture via: http://www.tallgrassprairiestudio.blogspot.com/
The blogger: Nicole Samuels, Party of 6
Picture via: http://www.nicole-samuels.com/
The blogger: Kim Demmon, Today’s Creative Blog
Picture via: http://todayscreativeblog.net/
The blogger: Rebecca Cousins, Freckles Crafts
Picture via: http://www.frecklescrafts.com/
The blogger: Avril Loreti, Modern Home
Picture via: http://www.avrilloreti.blogspot.com/
The blogger: Hazel Fisher, Hazel Fisher Creations
Picture via: http://www.hazelfishercreations.blogspot.com/
The blogger: Cathe Holden, Just Something I Made
Picture via: http://justsomethingimade.com/
Грамотно организованное рабочее место мастерицы – залог успешной работы, так как ничто не будет омрачать настроения и мастерица сохранит свое радостное вдохновение на протяжении всего творчества 🙂
Все мы мечтаем о своей комнате, где сможем рукодельничать. Там обязательно должен стоять удобный стол, а для каждой ленточки, бумажки найдётся своё место. И пусть у Вас будет не так красиво, как на фотографиях, главное, чтобы Вам там было уютно и комфортно!
Успешного Вам вдохновенного просмотра!