PRODUCT development – which design would you choose?

Please help me to decide!!! Here are three drafts for our new E&S product. Already in January we´ll add Magnesium Chloride products to our product range. Here I made some design samples to our Magnesium Chloride Natural STRONG 47% bath flakes.
Which package front you would choose – 1, 2 or 3?
1) should we do sth totally new (white with pink)
2) should we choose sth completely similar to our current products
3) or should we do similar to current products with little extra accent (red line)
Magnesium Chloride products have strong therapeutic effect and will be sold also in apothecaries over Scandinavia (so I thought maybe pharmacy red will fit well).
What you think? 1,2 or 3? HELP!!!!!!!
Aidake palun otsustada!!! Juba jaanuaris lisame E&S tootevalikusse Magneesiumkloriidi tooted. Joonistasin mõned disaini näited meie Magneesiumkloriidi Natural STRONG 47% vannihelvestele. Siin on kolm hetkel veel töös olevat mustandit..
Milline esikülg teile pakendil kõige enam meeldiks – 1, 2 või 3? Ehk kas teha täiesti uus välimus (valge taust punasega); teha praeguste toodetega täiesti sarnane või siis praeguste toodetega sarnane ja punase aktsendiga.
Magneesiumkloriidi tooted on tugeva raviefektiga ning lähevad müüki ka apteekidesse üle Skandinaavia (seetõttu mõtlesin, et äkki apteegi-punaane sobiks kenasti toodetele)…
Kellel häid ideid, palun aidake! 🙂