Back to homepage#11 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “Flowers on a green table”, July 2019
Today I drew my eleventh acrylic painting (my sixth flower painting), and named it “Flowers on a green table”. I am still under the influence of Pierre-Auguste Renoir… His works are so inspirational! Gosh, such a genius! The cool thing
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As some of you maybe have noticed, I number my paintings – it´s in my personality to sort everything and keep in order. So, this said, I´ll write the number here again as well. My flower painting number 5 and
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This is my new acrylic painting (dimensions 30x40cm) called Luxury. I really love it and can´t wait to find a beautiful frame to it. In the other hand, I have so many paintings that probably it will be easier to
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