#24 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.8), October 2020

In the eighth mouse painting, Mouse-Mom reads a book on her bright pink couch. Like many other rooms in the mouse house, it is decorated with spotted details (this time with a spotted carpet and spotted wallpaper). Ivanka helped me with this picture being a model … but since Ivanka is very skinny, I had to add a lot of volume to the mouse 🙂
Kaheksandal hiiremaalil loeb Hiire-emme säravroosal diivanil kõhuli raamatut. Nagu paljud teisedki hiiremaja toad on dekoreeritud täpiliste detailidega (seekord täpiline vaip ning täpiline tapeet). Ivanka aitas seda pilti teha, olles diivanil kõhuli modelliks… kuna Ivanka on aga väga kõhna, siis pidin hiirele kõvasti volüümi juurde lisama 🙂
“His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.8)
acrylic painting (30x40cm)
not signed yet
{painted by Helena-Reet Ennet, 2020 October}
Look also the other paintings from this Mouse-series:
Vaata ka Hiire-seeria teisi maale:
#16 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.1), September 2020 + children’s book idea!
#17 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.2), September 2020
#18 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.3), September 2020
#19 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.4), September 2020
#20 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.5), October 2020
#21 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.6), October 2020
#22 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.7), October 2020