#32 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.14), March 2021

What can I say ?! I just loooooove this mouse painting!! Color schemes, mouse posture (action), everything fits so well. The picture looks like it lives. Happy, childish, bright – perfect to decorate any children’s room! In the painting, our main character, the mouse boy Ivar, is in action. Paints the walls of the kitchen. 14 mouse paintings are ready, this is currently the last (the fourteenth)! My primary desire was to make 12 paintings for my upcoming children’s book “His Highness Mouse the First“, this goal has already been exceeded. In the meantime, I wrote here on the E&S blog that the new target is 36 mouse paintings, but probably I don’t do that much. Life shows!
Mis ma oskan öelda?! See hiire maal meeldib mulle kohe väga väga väga!! Värvilahendused, hiire poos (tegevus), kõik sobib-sujub nii hästi. Tunnen, nagu pildil oleks elu sees. Rõõmus, lapselik, särav – sobiks ideaalselt igasse lastetuppa! Maalil on meie peategelane, hiirepoiss Ivar tööhoos. Värvib köögi seinu. 14 hiiremaali siis nüüd raamatu tarvis olemas, see hetkel viimane ehk neljateistkümnes! Esmane soov teha lasteraamatu “Tema Kõrgeausus Hiir Esimene” tarvis 12 maali on ületatud. Vahepeal kirjutasin siin E&S blogis, et uus eesmärk on 36 hiire maali, aga tõenäoliselt nii palju ei tee neid. Eks elu näitab!
“His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.14)
acrylic painting (30x40cm)
not signed yet
{painted by Helena-Reet Ennet, 2021 March}
Here are some more pics + my inspirtion picture:
Siin veel mõned pildid maalist + inspiratsioonipilt:
Look also the other paintings from this Mouse-series:
Vaata ka Hiire-seeria eelnevalt valminud maale:
#16 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.1), September 2020 + children’s book idea!
#17 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.2), September 2020
#18 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.3), September 2020
#19 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.4), September 2020
#20 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.5), October 2020
#21 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.6), October 2020
#22 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.7), October 2020
#24 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.8), October 2020
#25 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.9), October 2020
#26 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.10), October 2020
#27 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.11), November 2020
#30 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.12), February 2021
#31 Paintings by Helena-Reet Ennet: “His Highness Mouse the First” (series – painting nr.13), March 2021